You’re Strong, Even Though You’re Suffering Right Now

Thought Catalog
3 min readFeb 8, 2021
Maria Orlova

By Holly Riordan

You’re strong, even though you keep breaking down in tears. There’s nothing wrong with releasing the emotions that have been eating away at you. You have to retrain yourself to recognize that feelingisn’t a bad thing. It doesn’t make you weak. You don’t have to run from your emotions. It takes strength to confront them, to admit you aren’t actually okay and need to work towards healing.

You’re strong, even though it might feel like you’re falling behind, like you should be further ahead by now. It’s natural to feel like the people around you have their lives one-hundred percent together while you’re still trying to figure basic things out. However, you need to remember you’re only seeing bits and pieces of their world. You’re only witnessing the parts they’re willing to show you. Even your closest friends and family members might be hiding their worst moments from you. You’re not as alone as you’ve convinced yourself. You’re not the only one who feels this sting of pain.

You’re strong, even though there are days when you can’t bring yourself to climb out of bed, to shower, to brush your hair, to smile. Sometimes, the ‘simple’ activities most people take for granted can feel like mountains you aren’t sure whether you can conquer. Instead of beating yourself up about how much trouble…



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