Who Are The “Real” Female Narcissists? The Answer Will Surprise You

They tend to exhibit extreme “pick me” tendencies.

Thought Catalog
7 min readSep 18, 2023
Wesley Davi

By Shahida Arabi

The female narcissist is shrouded in stereotypes: the femme fatale, the self-absorbed selfie-taker, the materialistic frequent shopper, and the black widow. While it’s true that female narcissists can be vain, focus on their appearance and use their sexuality to garner attention, these traits on their own don’t necessarily mean they are full-fledged narcissists. Even if they are, these are usually not the most harmful traits which make them dangerous to others.

Research indicates that partners and relatives of narcissistic people are subjected to a distinct pattern of harmful behaviors associated with their narcissistic traits. These include behaviors related to attention-seeking and admiration-seeking, arrogant or haughty attitudes, envy and jealousy, devaluation of others, narcissistic rage and vengefulness. In addition, a recent meta-analytic review of 437 studies indicated that narcissism is associated with multiple forms of bullying and aggression — including unprovoked aggression. The female narcissist is no exception.

While vanity and self-absorption can still certainly be part of their repertoire, the “real” female narcissists of the world aren’t…



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