What It Really Means When You Can’t Get Over Someone
They say that in order to get over someone it takes half of the time that you were together to fully move on. So if you were together for a year, you have six months. Three years, a year and a half. A month, two weeks. And so on and so forth.
So you mark the date on your calendar. You buckle in for the ride towards healing that will ultimately end with you not caring about them anymore. You will move on, you will let them go. You will not dwell on it, you will not obsess, you will get over it and you will be fine. You tick each day off on the metaphorical wall, counting down until the day when you’ll be better.
“I have 72 days and then I’ll be okay.”
“In three more weeks I will not miss you.”
“Tomorrow I will be fine.”
And then your day comes. The sun rises on that magical date when it’s been exactly half the length of your relationship so now you will not hurt. Now, today, you will not miss them. It’s the day when you will finally have moved on.
But…you don’t.
You don’t feel better, you don’t feel “free” or “over it.” You still miss them and you still hurt. It’s been days, weeks, months, years but it doesn’t feel like your time is up. No to you, it’s still as palpable as it was seconds after they were…