Things That Aren’t Impressive (They’re Literally Just The Bare Minimum)
Remembering your birthday? Bare minimum. Making plans for your anniversary? Bare minimum.
By Molly Burford
The bare minimum consists of behaviors and traits that should be expected from your partner. Because without these things, your relationship would be dysfunctional at best or toxic at worst. But in case you needed a reminder of what you deserve at baseline, here are things that aren’t impressive (they’re literally just the bare minimum).
Being nice to you.
Your partner being nice to you is not something you should be pleasantly surprised by because someone you are dating should treat you with respect, compassion, and care. While you can absolutely be grateful for your partner’s kindness, you should also expect it. Because if they were not kind to you, what else would they be? Exactly.
Not cheating on you.
It is not difficult to commit when something is right, and it is also not hard to stay loyal if you are truly invested in a relationship. As such, your partner not cheating on you is not impressive. It is mandatory.