The Psychology Of Bare Minimum Men (And Why You Keep Falling For Them)

He knows just how much to give to keep you interested, yet not enough to offer any real sense of security or stability.

Thought Catalog
4 min readNov 28, 2023
Serhii Volyk

By Erin Whitten

We’ve all been there, caught in the mesmerizing dance of almost-relationships and not-quite-right connections, wondering what it is about these bare minimum men that keeps us coming back for more. These are the men who sprinkle just enough sweetness into our lives to keep the flame of hope alive, yet never quite enough to set our worlds ablaze with genuine love and commitment. Their presence is like a haunting melody, playing softly in the background, a reminder of what could be — if only they would step up and take the lead. Let’s take a deep dive together, exploring the depths of these connections and unraveling the allure that keeps us hanging on, hoping for more.

The Art of Just Enough

The bare minimum man is nothing if not a master of balance. He knows just how much to give to keep you interested, yet not enough to offer any real sense of security or stability. His texts are sporadic, his plans vague, and his affection doled out in carefully measured doses. It’s a dance of ambiguity, where you find yourself constantly…



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