One Day, You Will Look Back On This Time, And All You Will See Is Magic
You won’t remember how stuck you felt, or how far behind you thought you were, or what you wished you had done differently.
By Brianna Wiest
One day, you will look back on this time, and all you will see is magic.
You won’t remember how stuck you felt, or how far behind you thought you were, or what you wished you had done differently.
All you will see is that within your uncertainty was also potential, and within your lostness was also an opportunity to be found, and within your discomfort was a chance to see what you needed to change, and changing it was you becoming the person you were always meant to be.
If there is not one single thought that can comfort you in your quietest, darkest nights, please let it be this — one day, you will look back on this time, and all you will see is magic.
You will see how what left the path was clearing the path. You will see how a greater plan was at work — not one directed by a higher being, but by your highest self. You will recognize that despite your most intense resistance, what was not meant for you would not remain with you. You will recognize that despite your deepest…