It’s Okay To Need A Lot Of Time To Move On From What Hurt You

I don’t know what happened to your heart, but please, keep loving.

Thought Catalog
3 min readMay 20, 2023
Kelsey Wilkerson

By Jacqueline Whitney

I don’t know what happened to your heart, but please, don’t hold your love back. There are cracks that need to be filled with your love and only your love can fill them. I don’t know what happened to your heart, but please, be strong in who you are. And please, don’t let the actions of another convince you that you are not good enough as you are. There is eternal love in your heart and it is always protecting you.

There are places you need to go because you deserve the love you’ll find there if you give your soul permission to go. You will know when someone is not worth your energy. You will know when someone is not worthy of the love you have to give. Trust your intuition. We are all worthy of love but only certain souls are meant to love certain souls.

I don’t know what happened to your heart, but please, keep loving. Your love is never wasted. Your love is always seen even if it is not received to the depth you are giving it.

I don’t know what happened to your heart, but please, remind yourself that it’s okay to need a lot of time to move on from what hurt you. It is so important to not give your heart…



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