Here’s When It’s Okay To Give Up On A Dream
When the person who wanted that dream no longer feels like the person you are.
By Heidi Priebe
1. When the person who wanted that dream no longer feels like the person you are.
It’s okay to let go of a dream when the person who set their sights on it no longer matches up to the person you are. It’s okay to let the things you want alter. It’s okay to go with the flow when it’s pulling you. And it’s okay to change your mind about the things you never thought you would.
2. When the process of getting to the end goal drains you more than it challenges or inspires you.
What we get when we achieve our dreams isn’t half as important as the person we become through the pursuit of them. If the person you’re turning into through the pursuit of your goal isn’t a person that you’re proud of, chances are it’s not the right goal for you. The ends will resemble the means. And if the means are dragging you down, it may be time to re-evaluate the end.