Dear God, Thank You For All The Closed Doors
By Rania Naim
Thank you for all the closed doors. Thank you for redirecting me to something better. Thank you for preventing me from stepping in places that were not meant for me. Thank you for the detours because they led me to better places — places I never knew existed. Thank you for not allowing me to settle for second best because you have something so much bigger and better for me.
Thank you for all the NOs. Thank you for the times I got rejected and the times you forced me to let go of the things I wanted most because now I know they were wrong for me. Now I know I’m better off without them. Now I know what I deserve. Now I know that you were teaching me how to be patient because the big ‘YES’ is on the way. The big ‘YES’ is the reason why I heard all these NOs.
Thank you for all the endings. Thank you for all the goodbyes. Thank you for giving me the strength and the courage to end things that were not meant for me and detach from all the things that brought me down. Thank you for ending things in my life even when I wasn’t ready because you were preparing me for something better. Thank you for removing certain people from my life because they were eventually going to break my heart. Thank you for all the sad endings because you’re preparing me for the happy one. The one that will last.