9 Types Of Dreams You Have And What They Actually Mean
Dreams are one of the most fascinating and mysterious parts of the human experience. Whether you’re having Inception-level adventures, or dreaming about drinking Pellegrino water (which actually happened to me once and led to the creation of the word “pretentiousmare”) dreams say a lot about what’s currently happening in your life and what’s going on in your head. These 9 types of dreams below should give you a better sense of what might currently be happening in your subconscious.
1. Dreams About Your Teeth
A dream like this may involve your teeth falling out, breaking apart, coming out from a slight tap, or crumbling into pieces after eating a particularly challenging mouthful of Jujubes. (No? Just me on that last one?) However it happens, this is an incredibly common and disturbing dream for many people. Many of you are probably clutching your mouth or skipping over this section as we speak.
Experts say this dream could have both positive or negative meanings. It can result from the fact that you are growing as a person and/or demonstrate your desire to take better care of yourself, or it can come from anxiety about insecurities, growing older, or huge life changes. Either way, teeth dreams are said to happen during a time of intense transition. But perhaps what is most disturbing…