8 Things You Need To Know If You’re The Person Who Always Wants To Fix Everyone’s Problems
By Brianna Wiest
Wanting to help people feel better, most of the time, comes from a place of well-meaning. However, few people realize that not only are they not responsible for fixing anybody else, but it’s actually impossible altogether. Here are a few things you need to know if you’re one of those people who believes that carrying a load will relieve someone else’s… rather than just burden you both.
1. Every time you find yourself thinking: “this person’s life would be so much better if only they could do [this],” apply that to your own life. The best way to help others is by embodying what you think would make their lives better… not to mention the fact that usually, what we project as advice to others is what we’re trying to tell ourselves.
2. You cannot fix people who do not want to be fixed. You cannot fix people who want to be fixed, either. You cannot pressure, coerce, convince or inspire anybody to change if they do not want to be changed on their own. You cannot do the actual work of changing someone even if they want you to. All you can do is love, support and encourage, and spend your time becoming the person you want to be.
3. If you’re not careful, wanting to fix everyone can come along with constantly…