7 Toxic Relationship Habits You Need To Break Right Now

Thought Catalog
3 min readNov 11, 2021
Vera Arsic

By January Nelson

1. Having makeup sex instead of talking through your problems. There’s nothing wrong with celebrating the fact that your argument is over. However, you shouldn’t skip over the conversation, the apologies, and the compromises. You shouldn’t jump into bed in order to forget your problems, and then sweep them under the rug after the deed is done because it feels like everything is fine now. You need to talk about your issues or you’re never going to overcome them.

2. Snooping through their phone and drawers and computer files. If you don’t trust your person to be honest with you, you have to ask yourself why you’re so skeptical. If someone else hurt you in the past, then you should work on your trust issues in order to give your partner the respect they deserve. However, if it’s because they’ve been crossing boundaries and doing things that make you uncomfortable, then you should ask yourself whether you really want to be with them. If you honestly think they’ll cheat, then why would you want to date them?

3. Starting drama because you’re bored (or because you’re trying to test them). Healthy relationships might feel a bit boring when you’re used to constant fights. However, you have to remember that there’s a difference between passion and arguments. There’s a difference between…



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