7 Concrete Signs You’re An Old Soul

You appreciate the little things in life.

Thought Catalog
3 min readJul 27, 2023
Katia Miasoed

By Molly Burford

Old souls are people who almost feel as though they are from a different lifetime. Old souls are full of wisdom, maturity, and peace. They just seem to understand the world in a way that others do not.

Here are seven concrete signs you’re an old soul.

1. You’re empathetic.

If you’re an old soul, you’re able to understand people in a way most do not. This is because old souls are deeply empathetic individuals, able to sense the emotions of others with ease. Your empathy makes you a safe person. In fact, you are the go-to person for many when they need support or a listening ear.

2. You prefer deep, philosophical conversations over surface-level ones.

You don’t like to gossip or talking crap about other people. Forget discussing the weather and other forms of trivial small talk. Instead, you want to talk about the bigger things in life. The point of it all. Life. You want conversations with depth and meaning, full of philosophy and wonder. Anything else just won’t cut it.

3. You absolutely love your alone time.



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