6 Concrete Signs He’s Emotionally Unavailable (And You Need To Move On)
Find someone ready to love you instead.
By Molly Burford
Emotional unavailability is when someone is deeply uncomfortable with the expression, sharing, and and feeling of emotions. And because they are unavailable emotionally, this means they are unable to show up fully in a relationship as well.
Here are six concrete signs he’s emotionally unavailable (and you need to move on).
1. He sends mixed signals.
A major way emotional unavailability presents is in the form of mixed signals. Mixed signals are defined by inconsistency in communication, attention, affection, and more. Basically, you never know what version of him you’re going to get on a given day. And, to be honest, you’re uncertain about where you stand with him on a daily basis either. Will he text you back today? Or will he be MIA? Who knows.
The truth of the matter is that indecision is a decision. And if we strip away the excuses, mixed signals are actually pretty damn transparent: he isn’t interested in being with you (at least in a real and committed way).