5 Things I Learned While Everyone Else Was Falling In Love Without Me

Thought Catalog
3 min readAug 25, 2022
jasmin chew

By Molly Burford

I am the Last Single Friend ™️ and it can be pretty lonely if I’m being totally honest. Everyone I know is either in love or falling in love or on their way to finding love. And…I am not. But I’m beginning to realize how much I’ve learned solo and what an opportunity this actually is.

Here are five things I learned while everyone else was falling in love without me.

1. I can still appreciate love (even when I’m not in it).

I learned I can appreciate love, even when I’m not in it. After all, I can be the best bridesmaid I can be. I can celebrate engagements and be thrilled about my friends’ blossoming relationships and smile at elderly couples I see still holding hands while walking down the street. I learned that just because love isn’t happening for me now doesn’t mean it never will and I can still enjoy the view from the sidelines. On that note…

2. There are many types of love, and all of them are worth celebrating.

Platonic soulmates are real. Familial love is real. Love for your dog is real. Love for your fellow humans is real. And these other types of love are just as important as the romantic…



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