10 Things You Learn From Being Raised By A Single Mother

There’s nothing more powerful than an independent woman.

Thought Catalog
4 min readFeb 1, 2023
Andrea Piacquadio

By Trisha Bartle

1. There’s nothing more powerful than an independent woman. It isn’t until she’s on her own that a single mother learns she can do all of this herself. You learn from watching your single mother than you can fix your own toilet, shovel your own driveway, mow your own lawn. When the outside influences are stripped away, a woman can do anything she sets her mind to.

2. There are some creative ways to have fun when you have little or no money. With only one income and one or more children to care for and feed, money’s often tight when you’re raised by a single mom. You grow up learning that you can still have fun without the excess cash. From scavenger walks in the woods to building forts for movie nights at home, you don’t need money to be happy and fulfilled.

3. You don’t need to be in a relationship to be happy. There’s immense value in watching a woman have a happy life while single. You learn that it isn’t taboo or shameful to be without a relationship. This way, you realize that it’s better to wait for the right person that to go from one relationship to another, filling the gap with people who might not be good enough.



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